Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Last night, we "deadheaded" from Houston, TX to Newark, NJ (New York City airport) so that we are in place to work the flight to Berlin, Germany today. Deadheading is what we call riding the airplane like a passenger to get us where UNITED needs us. It's part of our job and we get paid the same as if we were working the flight. It's kind of wierd to watch our co-workers do OUR job while we just sit there!

(Personally, I would rather be working! Sitting in an airplane seat for hours is not my idea of fun.)
 — with Philip Peter Sanchez.

Berlin to Newark nonstop....NOT!

Hi everyone! We're just back from Berlin, the Capitol of Germany and one of the world's great cities. Most of what people MY age know about Berlin is that it played such important roles during World War II and during the "Cold War".

Berlin today is a thriving Capitol city, growing and building faster than most. The people are friendly, there's lots to see and the food is delicious; a lot of meat and potatoes. It is located further north than just about any city in the US so, it is still pretty cold there. But the trees are budding and flowers blooming. Spring is showing its colors.

An interesting thing happened on our flight back to the United States yesterday. The winds blowing against us (to the east) were much stronger than usual, which increases the length of our flight time. They reblowing so hard that we had to stop on our "nonstop" flight and get some gas! We landed in the town of Gander, Newfoundland which is on the extreme northeast coast of Canada. After about an hour, we were ready to take off again for New York where we landed over two hours late!

It was an exciting day and I hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon!

I would like for you to meet my new friend Nicole. She was born and raised in Berlin and is now a flight attendant for UNITED, like Philip and me. If you are ever on a UNITED flight, Nicole is the blonde girl who says "Vielen danke" (thank you) for flying with us in the Welcome and Safety Demonstration video!

My friend Nicole and me in the hotel lobby in Berlin.